Dear Future Girlfriend,

Once you get him, be thankful. He will hurt you, and make you cry. He’s a complete asshole. But he will make you happy. He will tell you sweet corny shit, and when you’re mad at him, he’ll make you smile. He always will tease you, and you should tease him back. He gets defensive like a little kid. It’s cute. But, he’s really mean. He is. He will be such an asshole to you, and he fucks up a lot. But forgive him, cause he’ll always try, and he doesn’t give up. When you guys fight, he’ll blame it all on him or he will blame it on the both of you, and he sometimes seems so fucking hard headed, but still try your hardest to make him happy. He’s really complicated, but he’s really simple at the same time. I can’t tell you everything you need to know, you’ll have to learn. But, just to let you know. You’ll never know him like I did. And, you’ll never love him like me either. But one for you, all I want you to do is love him with all you have. Give your best with no regrets. Be supportive in his interest. Try to make it for his football games, understand his needs. He is unpredictable but when he gets really sweet, he kills the sweetness in cotton candies.

Love, me :')


Anonymous said…
u r either stuoid or blind. Im his ex school mate and he is already dating someone. Eva, xyah bazir mase la. just so you know, die bukan nk kat ag pun. dok terhegeh2 lagik pasaipa? dah la, move on je. senang cite. Ang tnggu dpt kad kahwin die sudah. HAHAH

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