
Showing posts from August, 2013

What Ramadan 2013 taught me :)

Ahlan Wahsalan  Syawal!  and  Hello everyone! 2013 marks the 3rd year of me trying to fast and it has been nothing but EXTRAORDINARY! This year's Ramadhan has taught me so many things. More than I can ever imagine. To know more, continue reading! :) Firstly, I learnt what Lailatul Qadar is. Something I have been hearing all my life and never knew what it was about.  Now, everything is so much clearer. So, NO MORE WONDERING! :D Secondly, I learnt that Ramadhan is a great month to start making and breaking a habit. For example, any irrelevant acts can be put to stop and replaced with a good habit. I noticed most of most friends who started many new habits and even managed to "khatam" their Quran in the month of Ramadhan. So proud of them! ;D Thirdly, I learnt the magnificent power  and importance of prayers. I saw so many of my peers breaking down and going through difficult times during Ramadhan. However, they never failed to pray ...

The power of a silent prayer.

To those having a hard time, here's a little prayer for you :') "May God bless you and grant you ease. May He allow you to past through this test of patience and make you a better man. May you obstacle be filled with silver linings that will emerge in due time. May what you believe to be the worst for you in reality be the best for you in this world and the Hereafter. May He grant you the strength and endurance to keep going. May He surround you with positivity and those who have your best interest within their hearts. May every tear you shed be a way for sins to diminish, may every prayer you make be granted, and may every prayer you utter be heard and granted. And may you always be smiling." much love, evanna :')